Mark of the Beast

What is the Mark of the Beast

The Rapture is when Jesus comes in a cloud and calls all Christians to Heaven “caught up” to Heaven -rapture means taken up.

This is in The Holy Bible:
“The dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:17

“Those which or who are alive” does not mean “every living human.” It means Christians/believers/followers of Christ. Those who are alive in Christ are those who live for, have accepted Jesus, and do not sin on purpose. What is sin? Sin is not just an act, it’s what’s in your heart. Only Jesus can clean your heart to set you free from sin.

The Bible says that you cannot enter Heaven until you stop these things,

…Do not be deceived: no sexually immoral people, anyone who prays to images (pictures) or statues, those who commit adultery (you should only have sex with the person you are married to), or anyone practicing homosexuality, no thieves, greedy people, those who get drunk, those who abuse, or anyone who cheat others will NOT go to Heaven. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

…But as for the cowardly, the untrustworthy, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those involved with the occult and with drugs, anyone who prays to images (pictures) or statues, and all liars – their destiny is the lake burning with fire and sulfur,… Revelation 21:8

If you are not alive in Christ you are dead spiritually and you won’t be in The Rapture of The Church. The church is made up of the body of Christ. Believers have the Lord’s Holy Spirit (the restrainer) and that is the only thing holding back the antichrist. But, when the Christians are Raptured, gone from Earth, there will be no more Holy Spirit on earth to hold back the antichrist. The Antichrist will be revealed which means a world leader will be announced who at first seems to be helping the world but then will claim to be God. He will want everyone to worship him and get a mark/tattoo/ or chip on their body that will indicate/declare their allegiance to him.

When real Christians disappear from the Earth, don’t believe anyone who says they are God, or Jesus, or any holy name of any religious group. Don’t be fooled! People will rebel against God. Then before the Lord returns, the wicked one (the antichrist) who is doomed to be destroyed will appear. He will brag and oppose everything that is holy or sacred. He will even sit in God’s Temple and claim to be God. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

This is in the Holy Bible:
“For the mystery (or man, in some translations) of lawlessness is already working; only he who restrains will do so until he (the man of lawlessness) becomes out of the midst.” 2 Thessalonians 2:7

After the believers are gone, there are no more “real” Christians on Earth. Realize you have been left behind & turn to God! Your first step is to pray. Get saved by asking Jesus Christ to come into your heart!

Sample prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I need You. You loved me so much that You gave Your life for me. I believe you are God’s Son and that He raised You from the dead. Thank You for dying on the Cross for me and for providing the only way for me to have a relationship with You. Please forgive me for all that I have done wrong, and make me clean. I give up doing wrong and now I will open the door of my heart and my life to You. I receive You as my personal Lord and Savior. Come and live in my heart now, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Please be the Lord of my life. Teach me how to love You and walk with You every day. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Next, read your bible and pray every day. Trust in Jesus by walking in His ways and not your own. Stay in repentance (stop sinning, turn away from sin, and turn to God for help). Obey the words of Jesus from The Holy Bible.

Remember that soon everyone will be ordered – 1st it might be voluntarily – to have “the mark” in order to buy anything (groceries, medicines, clothes, gasoline or to cash your paychecks, have an account, etc.) You won’t be able to sell anything or work and get paid without the mark. But don’t get the mark! It’s better to die of hunger or go to jail than to spend forever in torment; suffering in horrible pain in hell. Because anyone who gets the mark will not be saved and will end up in hell forever.

Read in the Bible About Hell:
everlasting fire — Matthew 18:8, 25:41, everlasting punishment — Matthew 25:46, everlasting chains — Jude 1:6, eternal damnation — Mark 3:29, eternal judgment — Hebrews 6:2, eternal fire — Jude 1:7, unquenchable fire — Matthew 3:12, the fire that never shall be quenched — Mark 9:43, 44, 45, 46, 48, fire unquenchable — Luke 3:17, waterless springs and the mist of darkness is reserved forever — 2 Peter 2:17, and the blackness of darkness forever — Jude 1:13.

Pray! Ask Jesus Christ into your heart now! Cry out to Him and say that no matter what, he is the savior of your heart, your master, your God and there is no other.

Tell him that you believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ from the Bible books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Get a Bible and read these Gospels. Meditate/keep it in mind as much as possible. The time may come when you can no longer keep a Bible. But you can always hide the word in your heart. Meditating in the Bible means to murmur, and ponder aloud. Read those scriptures out loud as much as possible. The Bible promises that the word of God is power. Speak Jesus’ word out loud and let it get into your heart in 3 ways, by reading it, by hearing it, and by saying it. You must believe it!

The Devil is a liar and so is the Anti-Christ! He has been sent to deceive the world. Don’t believe his lies. He will try to explain away all the missing people in the rapture as well as all the disasters, wars, sicknesses, and every other bad thing that’s happening.

Look in the Bible to See Who the Anti-Christ is:
Man Of Lawlessness / Son Of Perdition — 2 Thessalonians 2:3, One Bringing Signs & Wonders — 2 Thessalonians 2:9, One Who Comes In His Own Name — John 5:43, Antichrist / Pseudo-Christ — 1 John 2:22, The Beast — Revelation 11:7, 13, Lawless One — 2 Thessalonians 2:8, Beast From The Sea — Revelation 13, One Whose Fatal Wound Will Heal — Revelation 13:3 & 12, Vine Of The Earth — Revelation 14:18, Intellectual & Boastful — Daniel 7:20, He Will Exalt Himself Above The God Of Gods — Daniel 11:36, He Will Have No Desire For Women — Daniel 11:37, He Will Honor ‘A God Of Fortresses’ — Daniel 11:38, He Will Have Authority — Daniel 7:20 Revelation 13:2, He Will Seize By Intrigue — Daniel 11:21, Shrewd & Deceitful & Powerful — Daniel 8:25 & 11:38, Revelation 13:17, Psalm 52:7, Ez 28:4-5, A Forceful Military Leader — Daniel 8:24, Rev 6:2, Revelation 13:4, A Powerful Leader — Revelation 17:17, A Unifying Religious Guru — 2 Thessalonians 2:4, Revelation 13:3, 14, 15, Adversary — Psalm 74:8-10 , Lam 4:11, 12, Assyrian — Isaiah 10:5, 12, Man Of Bloodshed & Deceit — Psalm 5:6, Little Horn — Daniel 7:8-11, 21-26, 8:9-12, 23-25, Profane & Wicked Prince Of Israel — Ezekiel 21:25-27, and Man Of Lawlessness / Son Of Perdition — 2 Thessalonians 2:3

It is too late to escape God’s anger. You’ll have to go through the Seven Years of Tribulation. Important: DO NOT EVER take a stamp, a chip, or a mark of any type into your body (hand or forehead) it is the mark of the beast 666, or another number or name or code, and those who accept this mark pledge their allegiance to the antichrist and Satan. They will go to Hell a place of horror forever!

Never let anyone mark you and never say you belong to the antichrist who will be called by any name that people will want to hear. He is not God! Even if you are killed because you gave your life, heart, mind, body, and soul to Jesus, you will be rewarded by having your Spirit and the new body that God will give you, live forever (Eternal Life.) You will be with all those that were Raptured/Disappeared, and with Jesus (The Lord God Himself) in peace and joy!

Now after these seven years are up, Jesus will return once more and destroy the armies of the Earth, the Beast, Satan, and The Anti-Christ! Then Jesus will rule.

Deny The Anti-Christ,
Proclaim Jesus Christ!